You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

You Know You're A Med Student When...

I decided to name my first post after my blog title. Call it my "self-titled" post. You know you're in medical school when you find posting your thoughts, aspirations, peeves, and such on the internet a "fun" break from studying.

Working on pathology right now and needed the break. It gets depressing looking at how cancer can absolutely ravish the body. I know enough from my preliminary studies that I could determine how good (or bad) a prognosis is.

For all those who are interested, school can be a little tiring. Strike that. Very tiring. The amount of info coming at us per day...well, it's hard to find the time to even study it all later that night. Forget sleep. Forget sit-down meals. It's go, go, go. But it's worth it. In the end, it'll be worth it. The knowledge I learn today will eventually save lives.

Just call me Dr. J.


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