You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Monday, February 19, 2007

New pics

Here are some pics using the "aerial view" function on my camera. (captions appear underneath each photo).
Some random island not too far from St. Maarten. I have no idea which one.

Puerto Rico.
This is a shot of the propeller. Typical pic, in that you can't see the individual blades. But look at the next pic to see what the camera can do:
The camera managed to capture the movement of the blades so that you could see each one individually. How this happened, I don't know, but it's not a fluke: I took multiple pics like this one.


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