You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Going to my happy place

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

With less than 2 weeks until the big day, I'm as stressed as ever. Pretty much trying to keep the sympathetics from completely overtaking my body (i'm so stressed, i'm beyond the initial parasympa response), i'm at Panera, trying to return my heart rate from its current tachycardic state.

I'm trying to push myself to just keep at it for these last couple of days, but it gets harder and harder to do so, since I'm cycling through "yeah, i can do it" to "i don't wanna do it" to "wah, wah, wah, this test is going to kick my butt."

. just think of my happy place.
Remember, sky light?

Almost forgot...

I have another video of the car before they took it off the blocks... all manly stuff for the guys out there...engine revving, as well as the car horns.

Just click here for the video!

Dad's Roadster Update

So, for those that have been following the progress of my dad's "midlife crisis" (he doesn't read my blog, I think...) Anyway, he's been building a roadster from scratch. Well, it started off as a kit with guidelines, and he goes from there. So anyway, some chrome thingies have been added to the side (I can't even change a tire, so don't ask for details). The body is being custom painted in Charlotte. That won't be finish until October sometime. For now, though, he's putting some last minute touches to it, and test driving it around the area (mainly our long driveway).

And yes, that's my younger brother with him in the car, thinking that he's funny :)

So, for the video, click here

Doe, A Deer...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">" bor
der="0" alt="" />
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">" border="0" alt="" />

Pics of a doe that stopped by in the backyard. I got as close as I could, until it ran off.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


HAPPY 47th (gasp!) Birthday, Mom!!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

For Sky Light

mujhe tumse pyar hai ;)

Silly Me

So I'm sitting at Panera right now, intending to have uploaded some videos and pictures that I have been taking, and I can't find my camera. It's not in my car. I'm hoping I left it on my desk at home, and that it wasn't dropped between the front door of my house and the car, b/c it's been pouring the rain outside. Stinks about the camera, b/c I had a really cool video of the roadster that my dad is building. It's getting closer and closer to being finished.

I'm trying really hard to find that last burst of "umph" that I need to study for Step 1. I'm getting sick of studying and I find myself taking more and more breaks (longer, too) and studying less and less. I try to change locations and study materials, so that I can keep going. Only 3 more weeks.

Well, I'll end this post early, as it's not much without my pics :(

Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry (Personal): Regular Version, Closed Captioned

Friday, August 03, 2007

Random P.A.S.S. photos

This is what's going to save me for Step 1 !!!!

Some of the free things that were given out to us by PASS.

Heading Home

Tomorrow, bright and early, I'm flying back home to Maryland and isolating myself for the last 3 weeks before my exam.

Champaign, IL is a really nice town, and is errily like home for me: one major highway where all of the shops are located, surrounded completely by farmland. What I haven't figured out, though, is why in the world corn is so expensive here. This is corn country! In MD, the main resource would be our crabs (the edible kind...haha). yeah, we have dairy farms, the horsetrack, and so forth. Regardless, I'll pay 2 or 3 dollars at most for a baker's dozen ears of corn. Here, again corn country, it's 33 cents an ear! 33 cents! 60% of the state is corn, and it's that expensive!

One time at the grocery store, I asked the clerk why she thought it was so expensive. Apparently, they don't think so. Whatever.

Another thing that's crazy: I've been here almost 4 weeks now. When I got here, gas was 3.03 a gallon. It's now dropped to 2.67/gallon. That's a huge drop!

I'm beginning to think that the Illini people (it's what they call themselves!) have found a way to havest gasoline from corn.

Wow, this post makes no sense because I'm doing so much rambling. Sorry. It's the stress of packing yet again.

The Big Man Himself

All that he needs is a halo around his head :)