Tomorrow, bright and early, I'm flying back home to Maryland and isolating myself for the last 3 weeks before my exam.
Champaign, IL is a really nice town, and is errily like home for me: one major highway where all of the shops are located, surrounded completely by farmland. What I haven't figured out, though, is why in the world corn is so expensive here. This is corn country! In MD, the main resource would be our crabs (the edible kind...haha). yeah, we have dairy farms, the horsetrack, and so forth. Regardless, I'll pay 2 or 3 dollars at most for a baker's dozen ears of corn. Here, again corn country, it's 33 cents an ear! 33 cents! 60% of the state is corn, and it's that expensive!
One time at the grocery store, I asked the clerk why she thought it was so expensive. Apparently, they don't think so. Whatever.
Another thing that's crazy: I've been here almost 4 weeks now. When I got here, gas was 3.03 a gallon. It's now dropped to 2.67/gallon. That's a huge drop!
I'm beginning to think that the Illini people (it's what they call themselves!) have found a way to havest gasoline from corn.
Wow, this post makes no sense because I'm doing so much rambling. Sorry. It's the stress of packing yet again.