You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Monday, October 30, 2006

No News is Good News

It's been a rather uninteresting day today.

Maybe aside from the fact that I caught a glimpse of the new Quiznos that will be opening in our brand new airport. None of the new restaurants are opened yet, nor does anyone have any idea as to what the new restaurants are going to be, but one thing's for sure: any new restaurant is a welcomed change in my book (don't get me wrong...i love lal's, rick's, and thai, but those things are overdone sometimes). New additions include: Quiznos (yippee!!!), Carls and Sons, a Japanese steakhouse (yummy), and some kind of typical island sit-down restaurant (palm trees as ambiance, etc). there might be more, but that was all I could see (and yes, I parked the car this time and did a quick walk-through. It's so nice. After being on this island for like, uh, forever, an air-conditioned airport is almost mind boggling).

Okay, i'll have pics of the new restaurants in the next couple of days. Gotta hit the books.


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