You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Say No to Drugs

I haven't really been keeping up with posting as much as I would like, as it's been a really crazy week for me (I'm totally looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when it's all over). I had a pharm exam on Monday... this class has never caused a major problem for anyone in the past, but this semester, with the new prof, it's a totally different story. ...25% of the class is failing, and a lot of people are borderline with low 70's. Now, out of a class of 120 people, that's a lot of people in trouble. Our final is going to be worth 30% of our grade, and half of that exam is going to be cummulative (gulp).

Sitting in class is very frustrating, as we're not getting lectured properly (most lectures are pulled off of other medical schools websites and just copy and pasted, so everyday, we are thrown with random information. Sometimes, we're told something is not going to be tested on, but it shows up on the exam anyway. Or, my favorite, the 1st week's packet for the class, we were told there were going to be 18 questions (out of 50) on the 1st exam. There were like 5.

Anyway, back to me describing my crazy week. After the pharm exam, I have been working on path material for this Friday's exam. I also had 2 quizzes today in med ethics. Let's not forget a crazy med pysch lab, where we practiced pysch evaluations on each other...that assignment needs to be typed up and handed in next week.

Whoever said that 4th semester was cake needs to have that cake thrown at him/her... I sailed through 3rd semester (although I opted to take path I this semester, but still...neuro, phys, micro much easier and much more enjoyable). 4th semester is a pain.

Just say no.


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