You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Holey Moley

I figured that it was time to post again, since I've heard it through the grapevine that my family thinks I'm dead or MIA, due to my lack of emails, phone calls, and such.

I'm posting a pic of what's been going organization and studies for Step 1, Kaplan, comp this friday, whatever else there is. I've been trying to keep up with ICM, too, since we've been working on HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, throat). Harvey lab, once a week, has also started, which is where we have a simulator that we learn the different heart sounds on. We finished normal this week, so we'll be starting abnormal next week (shunts, murmurs, etc). The first photo that I took was from last night at around 10 pm. The second photo is from 5pm today.

It's been a long week, that's for sure. Now, I have to go track down lightbulbs for my otoscope. I haven't even used the thing, and the light bulb is broken. I have to get it fixed ASAP, since without it, I can't complete a full HEENT exam.

With that said, back to studying. Oh, and no comments about the pics. Each pile represents a subject. So it's not a mess. I call it organized clutter.


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