You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Mad TV- Miss Swan- Airplane

For my family, who will be flying down in less than 2 weeks to vacation here in SXM.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday's CPR

I survived CPR yesterday, which is more than I can say for the dummies that we practiced on (mannequins, not humans =) ... Since we were supposed to be practicing real life techniques, I practiced calling Time of Death. I managed to save a couple, though.

All jokes aside, I'm now able to help should a situation arise. We learned how to use an AED ("i'm clear, you're clear, we're all clear, now shock"), and how to slam people against a wall should the Heimlich manuever not work (I'm not joking...we even practiced this).

Now that CPR killed half a day for me, today will be spent getting caught up in Path, as well as studying some Kaplan. I love 5th.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It's like Christmas today. Since Note Service is officially closed, they are selling all of their inventory, including AUC clothes, for 5 bucks. It wasn't announced, but I ran into a friend who works there and she told me about it right after my Path class today. Word got out quickly that you could buy a case of soda or water for 5 dollars, so the little tiny area quickly became a free-for-all as people grabbed whatever they could. I bought a ton of clothes, water, diet ice tea, cleaning supplies, and snacks, all for 5 dollars each. They'll be open again tomorrow until noon to sell whatever is left, including all BRS books for 15 dollars, pharm note cards (i recommend), and the 2007 First Aid (for 25 dollars).

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday's Happenings

Today I had a meeting with the Office of Clinical Affairs people- a long 2 hour meeting that explained how clinicals work, all of the paperwork involved, etc. While slightly boring, it was extremely informative, as I now have a good grasp as to what is going to happen to me after I take Step I this summer. (FYI to all 1st-4th semester students: work on getting ICM better organized than what it has been in the past, as the course takes too much time away from Kaplan). For anyone wanting to make Match 2009 (and start getting a paycheck!), clinicals must be started by Oct 29th of this year. I will be blogging my process of applying for step, my studies, etc, as soon as this semester starts winding down.

ICM II started today, running for the next week and a half. The prof, Dr. D, is an AUC alum (1986). We all applauded for him and his success upon hearing that he graduated from here. He was Chief Resident (i forget what hospital) and is currently working at the Mayo clinic as a pediatrics ER physician. His recommendation, like many others recently, is to do clincials in England. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is starting to push England. I spoke to Dr. D. after class today to get his opinion, and found out that England is much more hands on than the States. Some of my friends who were 5th semesters when I was a first are finishing up in Ireland right now and had a blast. Something to look into.

Other than that, nothing else to really talk about, besides my glee towards today's rain. Even though this is an island, the lack of rain has dried everything up. Hopefully, the rain will "wash" the brown away (wah, wah, wah... okay, it's time to wrap up when I start using really bad puns).........

Monday, March 12, 2007

Saturday's Trip to Phillipsburg

This is the first time that I've ever seen one of those "advertising airplanes" on SXM. Funny thing is, I can't quite figure out what it's supposed to be advertising. When I first saw it approaching from the distance, I figured that it would be promoting a certain candidate, since elections on the island are coming up. But once it got closer, it shows an image from the movie, "King Kong." Hmm. The next pic shows a guy whose afternoon nap was distrubed by the loud engine of the plane.

My foot points the way to home. =)

Completely Uncalled For

What until the end....

Wanna Massage

These guys are so funny. I watch their videos on You Tube.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Blog-Worthy Fruit

Haven't got the faintest idea what it is, but I tried it anyway. I bought it from "petite" grande marche (i liked it's color). I thought it would be pulpy inside, like a peach or nectarine, but it ended up having seeds and consistency just like a kiwi. Not very sweet.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Update 101

I'm working on posting all of the pics that I took this weekend: from the campaign signs to the sailboats. However, I have since misplaced my camera (again). It's around here somewhere.

My update has to include the fact that I survived the real patients that we see at the end of ICM I. We do a DRE (digitial rectal exam...i stuck it to him, haha), as well as a full female and male gynecological exam.

Things are crazy around school without note service. We were just informed today in Path II that note service is completely closed and we will be getting refunds back. however, I have to start printing notes out on my own, b/c it doesn't do much good to take notes on your computer when you need to quickly highlight and circle things very quickly when a histo slide comes up.

Saw a cool thing today: a wedding on the beach. I was driving back from the grocery store and waved at the bride...everyone was honking and waving at her. I, of course, didn't have my camera , but still thought it was pretty cool to get married on the beach (although I wouldn't have personally chosen Mullet Bay/the dug up golf course).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ding, Dong ICM is done!

Today, I took the final for ICM (Episode I)...Episode II begins in less than 2 weeks. But for now, I'm a happy little munchkin. "Ding-dong, ICM's done!"