You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


What to say? B/c I don't receive email about basic science stuff anymore (and I study at home), I had no idea that today was a clinical symposium. Imagine my surprise when I'm working out at the gym, butt in the air, and a huge tour group of clinical people come walking in. Happened not only once, but twice. I listened to what some of the student tour guides had to say. Lots of brown-nosing going on, that's for sure. =)

I've lost count, but today, there was yet another power outage, followed by no water. I waited, got too hot sitting around, packed up all my school stuff, and literally had my hand on the door when everything came back on. So, I plopped myself down in my nice pleather seat and went on like this is an everyday occurance (which is it almost becoming!)

Today's sunset was cool, so I took pictures. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ben from "LOST"

Trying to find the answers as to why the season finale left so many unanswered questions. Watch the 2 minute video!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Country Song

My life is like a country song. At least the last 24 hours.

Woe, woe, woe.
Soooo....last night, went to go watch "Lost" finale on tv. Cable's out. That's okay. I'll get it online. Oops. Internet's out. Go over to the rotunda to check my caribserve email (b/c i had a sneaky suspicion that my bill was due, even though I never got it) and I can't log it. In short, for the first time in my life, I was late on a bill. So, I decided to go to bed, but the lightening and thunder got so intense, that it kept me up.

Woke up early, worked out, etc, etc. Hopped in the car to go to Phillipsburg to find out what's the scoop on my internet service, when the car won't start. Dead battery (but no lights were left on). And, it's a new car. So, I have to call the rental company, but I ran out of money on my phone. So, back to school I go to use the voynage phone. It doesn't make local calls. 1 hour later, a guy from the car company comes and jumps the car. Hurray.

I get to Phillipsburg, find Caribserve's building, only to find that they've moved. I get lost, finally get to the new building, and, here's the happy ending:
I now have cable, internet, power, water, and my sanity back. Whoo-hoo.

So, here's some pics of the lightening that I tried to catch. no matter how much I changed the shutter speed or the settings, I couldn't catch the actual bolt, just the "afterglow." Also, the "tree that stands alone" stands alone no more. There's a new generator thingy there, which, thanks to the locals (or a disgruntled student) already has graffetti on it in less than 24 hours.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Fate of The US Dollar

Greatest show in the world...can't wait until next season. (Click on the photo to enlarge so that you can read the fine print).

Little Girl + Break Dancer = Uh Oh!

Okay, the first time you see this, you'll laugh. The second time, you'll feel guilty about laughing. And by the third time, you'll be mad at the parent who let the girl run off.

Important Links for Step 1

First link is an SGU student's blog. Mike took step and scored in the 99 percentile (whoo-hoo!). He offers advice and writes his own practice problems. It doesn't hurt to check it out from time to time. Click here.

I use this everyday: 2007 First Aid Errors. Check this against your book.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The tree stands alone

Poor little tree...all alone.

By the way, this has been the only change in this construction area for a week or so now. Whew! Hard work going on here!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Night Out

Last Friday, I went to the movies to avoid the power outage. Tonight, I went to the movies to avoid the lack of water in my apartment. Grrrr. This is kind of getting old.

While driving out, I saw the culprit: Maho strip, right in front of the casino. All the water that should have been coming to my apartment was gushing out onto the street. It's 11:30pm, and I just drove by it on the way home, and they literally had about 12 workers standing around, with only 1 doing any work (typical SXM).

Shrek III was was slow in the beginning, but picked up at the end.

Because no water means no cooking in my book, I also had dinner at the Wharf in Simpson bay. (Plus, i had a 15% coupon). They have really good seafood and chicken, as well as awesome live entertainment, if you're into 80's music. The pics are from The Wharf (i didn't take any of the water main break... I was depressed enough as it was).

Monday, May 14, 2007

My Summer Movie List

I wouldn't call myself a movie buff. Frankly, I don't care who that actress is marrying or what actor is currently in trouble. I find it kind of sad that American culture idolize people who base their lives on fakeness (cough, Paris Hilton), and material possessions (but maybe that's b/c I'm a poor medical student with nothing to claim as my own).

Anyway, I haven't been to the movies lately, because, quite honestly, nothing good has come out...until now. This summer, get ready to have your socks knocked off (this was said in my best movie guy's voice). That's right...the good movies have finally hit the screens.

My summer's must see list:
1. Spiderman (saw it on Friday to escape the lack of power in my apartment. Oh, that's right. Water went out this weekend, as well. I hate campus village and solutions management).
2. Pirates of the Caribbean III
3. Nancy Drew (okay, chick flick, but I read these books growing up)
4. Shrek III (bound to get quite a few laughs)
5. Harry Potter 5

Lots to squeeze in with my Step studying. Oh, by the way, biochem is still coming back to haunt me. Ugh. Dr. Trotz (who is now at SGU, I was the last semester to be lucky enough to have her) has the best notes. The last block for biochem was interrelations, which is where she essentially taught all of biochem again in 3 weeks. These notes are jammed with biochem tidbits, but I didn't learn it hard enough the 1st time, so it's taking me awhile to cipher her notes. Regardless, I really recomend using them...they should still be on the notes drive.

Enough about school. I'm going to go watch some tv and unwind...the entire day was spent on non-stop biochem.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


No one likes to hear anyone complain, but oh well. After 36 hours of no electricity, I'm allowed to complain. Especially since I'm sick with a bad head cold and I had just bought a ton of perishable groceries the day before, which now have to be thrown out.

I've been here for 2 years, and the power has never gone out this long. It's hot. I know that. I can deal with no electricity for half a day. Shoot. I've even dealt with no water for that long, too, but 36 hours? Come on. This means no sleep (b/c my side of the building doesn't get a breeze), no food, no cooking, no nothing. Oh, and the irony? I finally go to school, and no more than 10 minutes later, the school's generator fails, too (but luckily, for only an hour or so). Arrghhh.

The power finally came back on at 4am this morning, which work me up, b/c apparently, I had left all of the lights, fans, and AC on. Talk about relief.

I suppose we were due for an outage, though, considering, like clockwork, the power goes out at the end of every semester, right before the Path I final. It never happened last semester. So, I guess we had to have a doozie at the start of this semester to make up for it.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Because studying for step is boring...

Nothing new to report, so here are some pics from "the vault."HOME!!!!

Puerto Rico

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fresh Meat

Wow, I can't believe it's been this many days since I've updated. I've been trying to focus on my step preparations and getting into a routine.

Campus activity has picked up significantly as the newbies arrived a few days ago, and now, all of the upper semesters are back. I think classes start tomorrow, but I'm actually not too sure (it's great not having classes anymore! ) I've seen a lot of confused and lost faces as the 1st semesters are slowly finding their way about things. Ah, the good old days!