Signs of a Bad Day
My desk chair broke today. I'm sad about this.(RIP, desk chair). It was a really cool desk chair. Since I study at home and need a chair to sit on, I was heading out tonight to quickly buy a new one. Once again, I got stopped by the massive traffic. That's when this local came out of nowhere and came up to my passenger side window and said to open the door. I shook my head and luckily, at that moment, traffic moved forward, so I left him behind. Good timing. I had my phone in my hands in my left hand and had a feeling that was something was about to happen when I first saw him, so by the time it took him to walk the few steps to the car, I had already checked to make sure that all the doors were locked. (FYI, I was trying to call home...cough, cough, mom).
I got creeped out and turned right around (I was at the bridge), but decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store. There were two guards out in the parking lot, and everything seemed cool...I even talked to a friend that I ran into. I was only inside for 5 minutes, but when I came out, a car had pulled really close next to mine, and the driver had the door opened and was hanging really weirdly outside of it. That creeped me out, too.
What the heck is going on today?
I know.
It's the curse of the Note Service calender. I hate that thing.
It made its first appearance for this semester today.
At November 08, 2006 12:10 AM, Trixie the Pixie said…
Yikes... actually, my friend and I stopped at Food Express on the way home from dinner in Simpson Bay, and the same thing happened -- a local tapped on her window when we pulled into the parking lot. He was just a kid -- I think they were trying to get money for some cause or another, who knows if it was real or not. Also, my friend was super excited about the Note Service calendar! She said it made her "incredibly happy", but it just made me realize that there's that much LESS time to cram all this stuff in before I get to go home!!!
I should be in bed!!! :-)
At November 08, 2006 12:46 PM, Dr J said…
This guy was older and looked scuffy, like the construction workers do after work. Maybe he just wanted a ride home, but he wasn't going to ask...he was assuming i would give him a lift.
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