The Mysterious Y Chromosome
No matter which way you want to look at it, females dominate. It's in our genes.... quite literally. The 2 X chromosomes that we have contain a lot of important genetic material. So much that female bodies shut down 1 X chromosome in every cell, in order to avoid over expression (that, and to attempt to bring ourselves down to the males, who have 1 X chromosome, as well). You can even see how much bigger the X chromosome is in comparison to the Y.
So what about the Y chromosome that men have? It's essentially useless. The only genetic material that it really contains is to make
So, it's interesting that this seemingly unimportant Y chromosome has had several new genes discovered that control genetic behavior in men:
Mm-1 (mum) : Presence induces complete inability in males to ask for directions, particularly in the presence of females.
Rmt-1,2,3 (remote): Induces strong possession and use of a tv remote control. This is often linked to :
Ftch-1 (fetch): causes the male to plead to the female to bring him a cold beverage
***This linkage is often fatal.
Grp-1/Rtd-1 (group 1 retard 1): causes retardness in any group of males
Rip-1: self explainatory
Thank you, Dr. L for the funniest path lecture ever!!!
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