P.A.S.S. pics
I took some more pics of the P.A.S.S. complex today. Some turned out really blurry, because I was in a hurry to take them, as it was during a break and everyone was milling around (what loser whips out a camera to take pics of couches? oh. wait...)
So, the best of the blurried: one shot is of a study lounge area (where many of the guys go to sleep during breaks...they are comfortable couches) and the other is from the back of the lecture room. There are probably 5 computer rooms where you can study/answer questions, 2 "kitchen" type areas, and 1 no talking room. Maybe I should take a few pics of those.
Tomorrow is the last day. I'm so shocked. This has been such a fast month! I was lucky in that I got to have 2 tutoring sessions with the big man himself, Dr. F. He is such an inspiration. Going from a "barely passing/barely failing" guy (as he describes himself) to someone that medical students all over are clambering to talk to.