You Know You're A Med Student When...

I'm getting through medical school with the help and support from friends, family, and "those who have come before me." This is my way of passing the torch and sharing my thoughts for those who are about to set foot of the same path. WE ALL GET BY WITH THE HELP OF FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ghost town

With everyone gone over break, AUC and the surrounding neighborhoods have been like a ghost town (cue the John Wayne music and the rolling tumbleweed). I haven't seen too many students here, although I did run into 2 at the gym this morning. I went to the beach yesterday around 4:30pm, and Sugar Cane was completely dead. PK, you must be the reason why Sugar Cane stays open: by eating there, the other customers flock there when they know you're there!

Rusty Ship

This ship is in Marigot. It's so rusty, that there are big parts of the ship missing.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Here are some pics of the island from these past several days where I've been cramming some sight-seeing in with friends.
La Samana (French 5-star resort)

French fort, Marigot: (those dodos were attacked by the English in the early 1800's and didn't even bother firing a single cannon). Now, Jesus presides over the fort, and once you climb the stairs, you'll see the Star of David.


Today was spent running some friends around to do last minute errands, sight-seeing, etc, before I said goodbye to them as they headed back home. Pretty sad to see my "school family" dwindling down into the smaller numbers. I never thought that I would get upset, but the chaos and stress that this school creates forges a tight bond that you never really realize until it's time to say goodbye.

Two years has completely flown by. I completely remember being anxious, excited, and scared as I came down for the first time. Although I have flown down several months before to check out the island and the school (I was wait listed at some US schools and needed a 'Plan B'), I still ended up going through a roll and a half of Tums that first day. I arrived at AUC and was promptly scolded by a guard for bringing down too much luggage (since when is a girl supposed to travel light? And 7 sevens is NOT too much!! =P ) The first night was spent crying, surrounded by those 7 bags, b/c I could not find the toliet paper I had packed. (No, in all honesty, it was b/c all lights were busted in my dorm room except for the kitchen and I had already seen a cockroach and a trail of ants).

Ah, yes, good times.
To be continued...

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Okay, so I know that the whole "Freedom!" line from "Braveheart" is overdone, but I don't care, because that's what I feel right now. That, and the whole "a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders" thing. What am I talking about? 2 years of medical school. Done. As my favorite brown person in the entire world would say "Hooty-hoo!" (yeah, C!!!)

I know I planned on sticking around here to study for step, as opposed to going home, but it's getting harder to stay positive about that decision as I watch the remaining few friends go home. I'm going to work hard, and keep to my study schedule that starts, officially, tomorrow.

For today, I'm actually going to enjoy the island (1st time in 2's true!!!) and do some sight-seeing. I'm actually going to have a nice meal at a new restaurant, as opposed to going to, say, Ric's or Thai, and automatically be given my "usual."

Alright, off I go!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Study Break

So, I managed to get blogger back to english, but my gmail accounts are still in Dutch. Google manages all of these accounts, but for some reason, the problem doesn't lie with google. Argh.

Anyways, I have a ton of path that I have to sift through before Saturday, but if you have time for a break, click here to hear a guy who got tricked into admitting that he's a cheater. It's actually pretty funny. (once at the sight, scroll down to hit the play's an audio file).

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

V-Tech Update

As I'm sure that everyone has been keeping up with the latest info on this absolute tragedy, I'm happy to finally report that my brother (sophomore in college) has finally managed to get a hold of all of his friends who go to Virginia Tech. However, he learned that one of his closest high school buddies was actually the roommate of the killer...check out the video where Good Morning America interviewed Joey Aust.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


GOOD LUCK to everyone as finals begin tomorrow =)

Monday, April 16, 2007


While studying tonight at home, I jumped when I heard a boom and saw a flash of light. It turned out to be a nice study break: fireworks from Marigot. What the French are celebrating tonight, I don't know, but it was a pretty decent show (and finally, it paid off to be on my side of the building).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Start of a New Week

So, I took my Kaplan simulated exam on Friday...took only 5 hours instead of the expected 8. It really wasn't bad (everyone kept saying not to worry about it, but considering I've self-diagnosed myself as having General Anxiety Disorder, I worried all about it until I was finished the actual exam).

This weekend was pretty much spent relaxing, as the weight of my 1st 2 years of med school are coming off of my shoulders. I still have to worry and prepare for Step, but I'm not rushing to take the test until I know that I am absolutetly sure that I am not only ready for it, but will achieve the numeric score that I'm shooting for.

I've had a really bad headache all day. No meds, dark lights, candles, tea, or naps will get rid of it. My new worry? An epidural hematoma (but I don't remember hitting my head on anything lately, although I am a total klutz). Ah, the joys of being a medical student and being paranoid of having every disorder, syndrome, or cancer that you learn about.

The newest development is that my blog home page is all in dutch now and I can't figure out how to switch it back to English, considering all directions are now in Dutch, as well. I'm able to post b/c I remember which buttons to push. I'm going to have to figure out how to fix this.

I called home today and found out that a Noreaster is passing through...lots of rain, ice, and snow back home. (suckers). My dad and I chuckled, considering Al Gore's adament about the whole global warming thing. (Did you know that each home he owns takes more electricity and energy to run than an entire 3 blocks of avg. size homes? Kind of ironic, considering his push to be more "environmentally friendly").

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Getting There

Last hurdle of BBCM: tomorrow's Kaplan Simulated exam. 8 hours of grueling testing (350 q's). I'm a little irritated about having to take it, since it's not even a true USMLE standard test. Rather, it's in the Kaplan quiz style format. No vignettes (although that's sometimes a good thing), but questions on stupid and picky details: "What stain would you use to test for...."

We'll see how it goes, considering I've been using every source BUT Kaplan to study for Step. We get to pick when we take our breaks during the exam, so if you see me in the rotunda tomorrow, hiding in the corner while maintaining the fetal position, just give me a cookie and I'll be okay ;)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Madtv - Apple I-rack

Since my parents got a kick out of the campaign slogans on the island, I wanted to post this video to go with the theme of political humor. Enjoy ;)

Ain't No Sunshine When They're Gone

I've been busy pouting since my family left yesterday to go back home (to the cold, apparently...been in the 20's and 30's in MD!!) It was great having them around, even though all of them stayed with me in my apartment. The sky happens to match my mood today. But all will be well, since this is motivation to get studying done so I can get home (I'm not leaving the island until I'm ready to take Step I, so I'm staying an extra month or two).

They all enjoyed themselves and were able to relax. My brother even found a nice Swiss watch that he's been wanting to get. It was nice having them around and to get some home cooking (nothing beats having someone else cook for you!) My parents got a kick out of all of the political campaign slogans on the flags around the dutch side.

I don't know where I'm heading with all of this...I'm just rambling. I'm going to get started studying for the day. Adios.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Another pic

This one is from the french side...taken from "Lover's Rock" (looking down onto Grand Case).

I also found a place where you can go parasailing, if anyone's interested: $50 for one person. (I'm a little scared of heights, so I'm passing it up for the time being).

La Familia

So, the fam's in town: mom, dad, sis, and bro arrived on Thursday, after having a run in with immigration (my mom...what a trouble maker!!)

I've shown them around for the 2nd time (my sister came down during my first semester, and parents during 3rd. Only my brother hasn't been here before). We've been around the entire island, been to the beach, P-burg, climbed the steps to the fort (which was a new experience for me), etc. I've managed to aquire a really nasty sunburn, which is pretty bad, considering that I've been labeled the 2nd palest girl at school (great). Not my fault that I lack pigment.

I'm posting some random pics that my mom has taken on our excursions. I'll be posting more soon.

For now, happy easter! (Christ lives).

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Fastest Update In the World!

Ready for the fastest update in the world??? .....
That was it. Did you catch it? Actually, I really don't have any updates (that's how sad my life has become). 5th semester has all-consumed me. I wake up, I study, eat brunch, exercise at 5, dinner, study, tv ,sleep. That's it. Everyday. (I left out, on purpose, my routine of constant email checking, playing computer games, and general goofing off/wasting time). I really haven't had anything interesting to blog. I haven't forgotten (as you'll see by the pics that I took in anticipation of blogging). It's just that I didn't want to absolutely bore anyone (which I probably do anyway). I'm also getting ready for my ENTIRE family (mom, dad, sis, bro) coming down this weekend for vacation. It'll be interesting having all 5 of us in one apartment .

So, here are 3 pics representing my last week:
First, a pretty sunset, with the construction workers still going strong.

Today's sunset...normally, I don't see this much pink and purple.

They are building a wall right behind me. They worked on it all weekend. This guy reminds me of my dad whenever we have a group project going on: he's busy "working" as the supervisor.